Storyline 3 and Moodle - data tracking

Feb 04, 2019

Hi Articulate community, 

I'd like to add two separate 'Print your certificate' and 'Survey' buttons in a Storyline module. This module includes a quiz.

I need to make sure that all the data (names, quiz results, etc.) is tracked both in Moodle and in the HR portal: Is it possible? Could it happen by adding a specific html code as a hyperlink to the buttons?

Some users once reported that grades disappear when a SL module is uploaded in Moodle, and that they could create a certificate in SL but it would not be tracked in Moodle: is this still true? 

Thank you! 


2 Replies
Elisabetta T

Hi Matthew, thank you for your quick answer! 

Can I double check: would the data contained in the certificate AND the survey be tracked in Moodle, although I'm not using the specific Moodle components? 

The HR portal is Allegro. I guess that there's no way around, I do need to write some code, right?

Thank you! 

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