Storyline 360 and Moodle - SCORM display on mobile

Feb 20, 2017

Hi All,

I am using Storyline 360 and our developers are using Moodle 2.7 and we're having issues with how the SCORM files are displaying when testing on an iphone 6 and other mobile devices - they are not fitting the screen correctly.

In Storyline 360 I have set the settings to be: Browser size - Resize browser to fill screen, Player size: Scale player to fit browser. I have also selected for the modules to appear in Landscape view only.

For Moodle our developers have set 'force new attempt' and disabled the 'display table structure property' (I am not sure what they are referring to when they say this) in an effort to fix the display on phone.

When testing on an iphone, in landscape view, there is a blank white section across the top and down the side of the module and the module starts half way down the page, you then have to scroll to see the whole module but it still doesn’t accurately fit the screen. I have uploaded some screenshots to explain what this is looking like. It is also displaying in portrait view which it shouldn't based on the settings I selected in Storyline.

Previously in Storyline I selected the 'launch player in new window' option - when this option was selected the module opened with a launch page (which we do not want our users to come across) and the modules displayed perfectly on the iphone.

I have also tested the SCORM files on SCORM cloud are they display correctly on my iphone there too. 

Has anyone experienced a similar issue with Storyline on mobile devices or when using Moodle?

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated! 

Thanks, Tegan

34 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Nimet,

I'm sorry you've run into this too. This discussion is about Storyline 360, which has only been around for about 1.5 years but is still being impacting by the set up within Moodle for mobile display.

Please let us know if you also hear back from Moodle about how they plan on fixing this display set up. 

Julie  Haydon

Hi all so I have spoken to the author behind the moodle scorm plugin and the recent feedback I got was

"The display issues that occur can usually be fixed by modifying the content/css/design of the SCORM package itself, unfortunately many SCORM authoring tools do not make this easy. (Moodle Partners can often help to resolve some of these issues.)"

Essentially you want it fixed to work in moodle pay some one!!


Barbora Hotova

Hi all,

sorry for posting agian what´s been here many times already but I just would like to know, if somebody was able to find a solution for this issue or if you are aware of any solution being in process... ?

We use as well Storyline 360 and Moodle and we are having the same problem in Moodle app - SCORMs are not fitting the screen - more specificly, any SCORM content wont scale to fully fit the screen. 

In Storyline I´ve tried to change all kinds of settings and I even had discussions with our Moodle developers who confirmed that in our base theme we have included a variation of the CSS that is provided to ensure that the SCORM window can take up 100% of the screen space available.

This issue has showned up after we upgraded our LMS (Moodle) to 3.1 version... . 


Danielle Lee

Hi Amine, thanks for this response. I made the appearance modifications in Moodle. These modifications work with Android devices, but it is still is not working for iPhone devices. We've set the parameters of the player to force rotation to landscape view. Upon rotation of the device, the prompt to rotate the device remains on the screen and nothing else happens. 

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