Storyline 360 audio not playing when published

Apr 16, 2018

Today (4/16/18) I republished some courses (minor edits, no changes in settings) that are no longer playing the audio when viewed from a browser or from the Storyline output. The old versions played fine a couple weeks ago and the new versions play fine in Preview mode.  I have 12 courses I just republished with this issue and the client needs them available ASAP. Help!

90 Replies
Phil Robinson


Thank you for responding. I have had other people test for local playback and they all report the same issue using the default settings in Chrome. Published version will play as expected locally in IE and Firefox but not Chrome. Published course will play as expected when uploaded to the SCORM cloud or local LMS but a great deal of out clients need the ability to play courseware from their local computers within the Chrome browser using default settings out-of-the-box.

There is audio on the second screen that does not play and the screen hangs. It should jump to next slide when media completes.

The first screen acts as a pre-loader and auto advances and the end of the timeline.

Again, I am using Storyline 360 v3.24 and Chrome v.72.0.3626.109.

I have attached the zipped published web files as well as the Story file. I was hoping you could take a look at it on your end.

Your assistance is appreciated.

Planned out of office:

Phil Robinson



Thank you for responding. I have had other people test for local playback and they all report the same issue using the default settings in Chrome. Published version will play as expected locally in IE and Firefox but not Chrome. Published course will play as expected when uploaded to the SCORM cloud or local LMS but a great deal of out clients need the ability to play courseware from their local computers within the Chrome browser using default settings out-of-the-box.

There is audio on the second screen that does not play and the screen hangs. It should jump to next slide when media completes.

The first screen acts as a pre-loader and auto advances and the end of the timeline.

Again, I am using Storyline 360 v3.24 and Chrome v.72.0.3626.109.

I have attached the zipped published web files as well as the Story file. I was hoping you could take a look at it on your end.

Your assistance is appreciated.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Phil,

I tested your course by opening the story.html file locally and was able to see the first introduction screen and it advanced to the next slide, but it didn't advance beyond that. Also, there was no audio in Chrome ver 71 or 72. I also see a few other users ran into an issue where audio is not automatically playing when the slide is set to advance automatically in Chrome ver72. 

If you need folks to access the content locally, I'd look at publishing for CD/local source and provide that zipped folder to your clients as well as uploading a version to the web server or LMS. Viewing content that was published for web/LMS locally is known to cause odd behavior as learners run into security and browser restrictions. 

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Phil,

We’re committed to continuing to support Storyline 3 with bug fixes, but we haven’t made any decisions about developing a new perpetual version of Storyline.

The vast majority of our customers are using Articulate 360, so that’s where we’re putting our focus. We know some folks are unable to switch to subscription plans or cloud apps, and if there’s anything we can do to help you make the case for Articulate 360, let us know. We’re happy to help.

Greg Kloock

We are experiencing audio not playing in not only in preview/publish mode.  It works fine in a standalone*mp4 file.  We also have issues with the video not playing when we design with or without triggers.  We did log a case for the audio 01702169 and attached our project to the case.  We are not in any browsers as previous customers have mentioned.  We are running Storyline 360 version v3.24.17733.0

We are under a deadline and need any help for a workaround.  Thank you! 

Greg Kloock


Thank you for your quick response!  Let me know if you need any additional information from me.  


Update:  Renz found an article for converting the video using an app called Handbrake.  I converted the video but then discovered that since I was using MP4's that were recorded on my iPhone, some of the videos had two audio tracks.  The first track was blank but the second track had the audio.  I had to go to the audio tab and change the audio from track 1 to track 2 and that fixed it.  

Thank you Ashley and Renz for all of your help.  

Geneviève Jacques


I did ran into the same problem, even with the edit suggested. Only solution that worked was again :
1- publish in review 360,
2- do not close the file,
3- publish again for web... Sound works again!

This problem occurred with other projects as well, that did not have the "media trigger" which was thought to be the culprit. It's not linked with the file, but a generalized situation.

That being said my solution do get around that problem. It's just a bit annoying and non-efficient. :)

sofia dibene

Hi, not sure if anyone still needs help with this, but we figured out a way to solve it when it started happening to us. As someone said above, yes, it appears the audio files are getting corrupted when you publish to the Web. To fix that, when you go to publish, under Properties go to Quality, then to Audio, and on the audio bar slide the bitrate to the highest on the bar. This fixed it for us! It was even evident when we inspected the file. You open the story_content folder, then look at the .mp3 files. They should be normal sized files. I compared it to the corrupted one that wasn't working, and the .mp3 files weren't even there.

Emma Pauley

We came across this issue when doing a Russian translation.  Our fix was the language font in the title of the course.  Storyline did not like the language used, so it would refuse to publish out the audio files, making them 1KB in size.  Our solution was to remove the Russian text in the title and it published out just fine.

Alyssa Gomez

Hi Karmela!

Thanks for letting us know what you already tried! Reinstalling Storyline was a good start. Since you're still having trouble, I'd like our Support Engineers to take a closer look.

If that works for you, please send your Storyline file to our team by clicking here. They'll delete it when they're done troubleshooting.

Craig Talbot

Don't know if anyone is still following this thread, but ... just in case.  I'm using "Presenter 360" on Windows 10 ... and have a maddening situation similar to those shared above!!  

I have a 52 min runtime course that is mostly based on PowerPoint that includes six videos.  The videos have been working fine; my audio for the slides works fine; Articulate seems to dislike my terminology in the "Menu" very much and continues to change the menu, usually after 2-3 successful publishes.  However, the most horrifying unkown is: 

The audio track on my videos just randomly cuts out!  Sometimes a little here and a little there; sometimes the entire middle 1/3; sometimes just a few seconds ... and when it does drop audio, it also cuts off the last 20 seconds or so of the video all together.  

Then, I can republish, upload to SCORM Cloud again, and it works.  Then I edit my Menu AGAIN, maybe fix a typo, republish, upload to SCORM -- never having touched the videos, and they cut out in different places!?!  

At first I wondered if it was because I was on a wireless connection and maybe it just dropped some data during the upload so I plugged in my network cable ... and that time it didn't lose audio!  Ah hah! I've solved it, but .... then the next time, I rebooted the machine, didn't even open email, kept the network cable plugged in, and ... audio is cutting out again!?!  Menu reverted back to an edit that held for 4-5 publishes?!?  

As fabulous as this software is, I'm beginning to hate it!  

Any ideas how to improve the consistency???  Anyone know what's triggering these behaviors??

THANKS for any suggestions.  Hopefully someone has solved these issues ahead of me.  


Leslie McKerchie

Hello Craig and welcome to E-Learning Heroes :)

Thanks for reaching out and sharing what you are running into with Presenter 360.

It sounds like you've done quite a bit of troubleshooting, so I've opened a support case on your behalf so that you can work directly with one of our support engineers. 

You should be hearing from someone soon.

Weylin Miller

Hello all,

I know this ticket is a bit older, but I'm experiencing this issue currently. It only happens on the first slide and only happens when viewing in Chrome. If I click "Pause" on the player and then "Play", the audio plays (but now it's delayed to the timing of the other items). We've always used Articulate 360 Review on Chrome, so I'm not sure why this issue is popping up again. We are on the most recent version.



Lauren Connelly

Hi Weylin!

It would be best to see your file so we can offer more tailored support! 

Would you mind sharing the Storyline file and then we can test it in Review? You can do so by using the "add attachment" button in this discussion. Or you can share the file privately with our Support Engineers by using this link.

Ren Gomez

Hi Tina,

Thanks for following up! I find it odd that you're not experiencing this in Storyline 2 as well, as the autoplay policies are browser and not software-related.

We'd be happy to take a closer look at your file and determine if something else is at play here. Feel free to reach out to Matthew or share your file with your unique upload link here, and he'll take a closer look!

Jennifer Delgado
Ren Gomez

Hi Jennifer,

Thanks for reaching out! I reviewed the share link, and I wasn't able to hear the audio either. Was it recorded using PowerPoint audio, or did you use the Audio options in the Articulate tab within PowerPoint? Unfortunately, audio recorded in PowerPoint will not work when published with Presenter 360. This article shares more:

When sharing a Presenter 360 project, you'll always want to include both the .pptx and .ppta files together. This article covers some great tips on creating on how to maintain your files and share an Articulate package.

If you did record audio using Articulate audio tools, feel free to create an Articulate package so we can take a closer look!