Storyline 360 Content Library Won't Load

Nov 02, 2017


When i try to import a photo or video from the content library the preview thumbs won't load at all and if I click on one and click the insert button Storyline shutdowns and wants me to report it to Articulate. This has been happening consistently for the last three days and I'm a loss as what to do about it. I need to use the content library photos from my training. Anyone have any thoughts or ideas? 

5 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Sam,

Sorry you've run into a problem with content library. It sounds like it just started though - so I'd want to check that you're using the latest update of Storyline 360. To double check open the Desktop tray application and use the "Check for Updates" option in the drop down:

Next, I'd also look at the Network Endpoints and ports that need to be enabled. 

If you're still running into trouble, let us know! 

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