Storyline 360 scrren in Mobile Phone

Jan 03, 2019

Hello All;

It is really very nice to be a part of E-Learning Heros.

I am new for Articulate Storyline 360 and being used this since last a few days. Though I am using its trial version for learning purpose, it is really very easy to develop the e-learning course.

I am making a responsive course which will be accessed through Mobile phone also. After publishing the course, I found that it is not displayed in full screen of the mobile. It uses only half of the screen area.  In this situation, it is really very difficult to read the course by using mobile phone .

I was thinking to buy Articulate Storyline 360, but this issue is bothering me.

Does anyone know, why it is so?

4 Replies
Alyssa Gomez

Hello Preeti! We're glad you've joined us! 😁

You're seeing extra space on top of and below the slide because the slide does not have the same dimensions as the phone screen.

You may want to look at restricting the playback to "Landscape Only," since the slide will fill more of the screen area in Landscape. 

Have a look at this article to see how you can adjust that setting!

preeti bedekar

Hi Alyssa!

Thanks for your response. What does it mean "because the slide does not have the same dimensions as the phone screen."

Mean while, I checked some other posts for "Full Screen Course" and found that, one of the members has posted some code which is to be inserted in index_lms_html5.html file after publishing the course and before uploading the same in LMS.(I am using Wizdom application for LMS)

I found the code as 


window.moveTo(0, 0);
window.resizeTo(screen.availWidth, screen.availHeight);



I used this and now my  index_lms_html5.html file goes like 

<script data-main="app/scripts/init.generated" src="html5/lib/scripts/app.min.js"> window.moveTo(0, 0);
window.resizeTo(screen.availWidth, screen.availHeight);


The course is not getting launched and giving an LMS API error in Mobile but for Desktop it is working fine.

Phil Mayor

Storyline courses are not responsive so they do not change to match the aspect ratio of the devices running them. 

You may be better locking it so it only runs in landscape mode, getting the courses to run well on mobile takes a little extra work on the design size, often better to design for the smallest form factor 

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Preeti,

Since your Storyline course is a different dimension that the portrait mode of the phone, we won't stretch or change it to fit that difference in aspect ratio. That way your content displays as you designed and doesn't impact the placement of text or images. 

I'd agree with Phil and Alyssa, that you may want to look at locking the orientation of the phone display to ensure that your learners have the best viewing experience. 

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