Storyline vs Presenter... Help

May 22, 2012

I am currently using Articulate Studio '09.  I have also been able to use the beta version of storyline (I LOVE IT) for some projects.  I have a new colleague that will be assisting me.  I'm torn between buying an additional Studio '09 license or to purchase Storyline for myself and allow her to continue to use Studio '09.  Any thoughts about two colleagues working on different articulate products??   Thanks for your insight!

4 Replies
Bruce Graham


It all depends on whether you need SL functionality or not?

What happens when one of you is away, or the PC breaks and needs to be fixed - will you need to "cover".

This is a strategic business decision really....

SL allows you to do more, but if you are wedded to having .ppt as your input files, stick to Studio (and new Studio '12 when it comes out).


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