Storyline with no LMS

May 16, 2014

Hi there

I am currently researching purchasing an elearning tool and have had really good reports about storyline.  The challenge I have is that at the moment we do not have an LMS to load published content onto.

We do have a basic version of Sharepoint which we use as our intranet and document storage centre.

The intention is to purchase a new HRD system which will have a built in LMS but this may be 18 months away and I do not want to wait this long for developing and posting elearning files.

I am not a technical developer, purely a learning and development professional so really dont understand or know what my options are

Many thanks


1 Reply
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Joanne and welcome to Heroes!

Storyline is designed to work with an LMS for the purposes of tracking and reporting out on the results of users. If you don't need to track results or report out on them, you could publish for web and deploy it that way. I know a number of users who regularly use Sharepoint to store and play their published courses - but I don't know what they do in terms of publishing. 

Some users also report results to a database or similar, although it's not officially supported. You may want to review  some similar threads to see how others may have handled the situation. 

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