Storyline2 and Totara/Moodle interaction reports issue

Sep 30, 2015

Hi everyone,

I'm currently encountering an issue with Storyline2 and Totara (which is an open-source distribution of Moodle).

I've created a survey by using only "Lickert Scale" questions on Storyline2.
Then, I published it and imported it into Totara.

I ran the survey and it worked fine on Totara.

But, when I go to the "interaction report" to see the results, i only get the first letter of my response/answer (see attachment).

Have you ever encountered the same issue ? If you did, how did you solve it ?

Many thanks in advance for your answers

4 Replies
Leslie McKerchie

Hi Saif!

Hopefully someone in the community with experience in your LMS will be able to chime in and assist.

Each LMS is different in terms of what they can report out on and how it will be displayed for you. As a point of reference, here is the quiz data sent to your LMS. I've seen others use either a site like Survey Monkey or a Google Form that you could embed as a web object if your LMS cannot report on this as you wish.

Phil Mayor

The likert question really doesn't send anything back that is useful for the LMS to read, survey question types are hit and miss with what they send and Likert is the one I would always avoid.

You may be able to achieve what you want with a single answer survey question laid out like a likert but would have to have one statement on each slide.

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