Submit button - Essay slide

Apr 17, 2014

I have all Essay slides - and they all need to print the content on my result slide. 

I am trying to have the user click Submit, have the answer saved for the Results slide then NOT jump to the next slide, but instead Jump to the slide I have designated.  No matter what I try, it only goes to the next slide in the scene.  

I tried creating a submit button and then not use the player Submit button.  that doesn't work. 

Is there a way to create a Submit button submit - so the essay answer prints on the results slide?

Is there a way to make the Submit button - submit, then go to a different slide in a different scene? 

1 Reply
Christine Hendrickson

Hi Jane,

One quick thought - and I'm not sure if this will work for you - how about having the slide that's showing jump to your designated slide when the timeline starts? That might be a good way to still take the jump, but end up on the slide you created for the learners. 

If that doesn't work for you, are you able to share your .STORY file? Maybe we can see what's happening. Also, if you can specify the slides where you have the buttons and the slide you'd like to show to learners, that would be helpful.


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