Tabs disappear after I delete a slide?

Jul 16, 2014


I'm working on a project where it makes sense for me to copy and paste slides from one module to a different one frequently. The main reason is that I changed a lot of things on the layout for one of the modules and want to transfer that over to the other ones instead of redoing all of the slides, so I copy the slides from my "master" module and paste them on the module I'm working on. Then, when I delete the original slide from the module I'm working on, the tab open on the menu bar from my "master" module gets deleted as well. It's really frustrating to have to go back to Story View and find the next slide I need to copy over instead of being able to just click over to the next tab, especially with the number of slides I'm using.

Does anyone have a solution to this? Let me know if I'm not making sense - it's a weird problem to explain.


31 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi François, 

This discussion is quite a bit older, and I don't see a bug report filed for this issue in Storyline 3. With that in mind, I'd like to understand a bit more about the problem that you're specifically running into. You're welcome to share those details here with us in the Community or connect directly with our Support Engineers. 

Do let us know if you connect with Support so that we can keep this discussion linked and updated with any news! 

François Paradiso

Hi Ashley,

I appreciate you writing out to me on this issue. However, the engineers haven't bothered solving it for 7 years. So, I'm not going to bother detailing the issue which has already been explained in detail within that thread.

I wrote the comment for other forum users to know the issue still exists. Sorry, I don't mean to sound cold or rude. It's just the bug isn't that important. Just a little annoying for the user.

Have a great day,

François Paradiso (he/him) | Instructional Design and Technology Specialist, Program Integrity and Education,
Integrated Business Services Branch, Community and Health Services Department
The Regional Municipality of York | 17150 Yonge St. | Newmarket, ON L3Y 8V3| |<!ut/p/z1/04

Leslie McKerchie

I appreciate the additional information and context, François.

I am unable to replicate the issue using the latest version of Storyline 3, Build 3.15.26825.0.

I created a simple course to demonstrate what I'm seeing:

If anyone can share the steps to replicate the issue, I'd be happy to take another look.

Adam Bernard

I was so looking forward to seeing a solution from a post 9 years old... but looks like its still happening... i wonder if any of those people trying to find an answer found it anywhere else yet?


Leslie, you are deleting slides from one scene... all 1.1, 1.2, etc.   Try having slides from 1.2 and 2.2 open.  then see if it behaves differently.  this is what i am experiencing. Very frustrating!