Text to Speach Feature and Variables.

Feb 23, 2018

Is there a way to get the text to speech option to read the contents of a variable?  For example the First name captured in a previous screen collected variable?

11 Replies
Steve Flowers

Not with the built-in TTS feature. The 360 feature is for generation at authoring time.

However, if you wanted to tinker a bit with online services (Amazon Polly, https://responsivevoice.org/, https://www.vocalware.com/) you could certainly feed dynamic text into an engine and have that play back in real time.

Daniel Mies

Hi Ren,

Thanks for getting back to me :)

I would use it to have text entry variables read back to the user in real time.  Specifically I'm developing a scenario base  ungraded question that has the learner answer a "why" question with an entry text block and then displaying their answer next to the established answer and allowing them to compare the two.  What I would like is to have a text-to-speech read their answer back to the learner before my narrator reads the correct answer back to them, that way they hear both.


This feature would really help for high level eLearning.


Michael Payne

I would use this feature to create a mock virtual reality. For example, a learner could enter his/her/their name into a TextEntry variable text box. Then, when the TextEntry variable loses focus, a Slide Layer appears. The text-to-speech would say, " Hi, Mike..." In other words, "Mike" would be substituted for whatever name the learner enters into the TextEntry variable. I have attached a use case for your review: https://360.articulate.com/review/content/86864eeb-f58d-4fa1-a936-ba4ded7a5425/review