Text variables passed to Report.HTML?

Jun 07, 2012

Hi, I am creating a survey and I would like two "essay" questions on one slide.

I was thinking of using Text variables as a way to do this but I want to make sure I can read the answers that people have submitted via the e-mail results option.

Will this work or is there a better way of doing it?


2 Replies
Mike Bethany

I do this kind of thing a lot, seems like almost every course, and what I do is save the fields into a quiz then I can read them in the report.html via JavaScript.

Here's an example project and the code for it: http://community.articulate.com/forums/p/13657/80324.aspx

The report.html I include has stripped down JavaScript so you can see how to read the values without all the noise of a fully fleshed out script.

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