The question bank in the menu is not marked as selected while being viewed

Nov 04, 2016

Hey everybody, I would appreciate your help in my issue!

I have a course with the question bank. Normally the menu shows where you are in the course (the menu item which is being visited right now is marked with an orange stripe). But not in the question bank! The item "question bank" in the menu stays grey as if "visited", in spite of the fact, that the learner is doing his/her test now! In other words, when the leaner is taking his/her test, he/she cannot locate their position in the menu of the course.

If I go to Player--> Menu--> and place a tick in front of the question bank, which says "show slide draw contents", I get all the question in the question bank listed below. And they do get marked with an orange stripe. But that is NOT what I want.

Is there any way to get "question bank" marked as selected while answering the questions? 

Best wishes,


4 Replies
Susi B


I don´t work with question banks, but I think we have the same "problem" in your courses too. I think this appears because if you delete the slides to not be in the menu, storyline still goes through the hidden slides in the menu. So you don´t see the first slide/scene title which you (as I assume) use as the headline/bullet point in the menu because storyline doesn´t stay on this first slide. I don´t know if there is a workaround, but as far as I know, you have to live with that or someone else here knows how to fix this.

Sorry I couldn´t help. :(


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