Timeline Triggers

Jan 11, 2017

I have set a trigger on my main menu page to show a layer when the timeline reaches a time point on the slide. This is all fine and once the layers have been viewed the user navigates back to the main menu page and the timeline continues on.

The problem arises when the main menu page is revisited after another slide or scene; instead of resuming from where the user left off, and being able to select the next menu item, it jumps into the layer again that has already been visited.

The slide properties are set to automatically decide when revisiting. I have tried the other options with no success.

Any ideas please

3 Replies
Wendy Farmer

Hi Rob

if you only want that layer viewed once, you could:

  1. add a T/F variable (default False) that is triggered when the layer plays e.g. Adjust variable layerVisit True when timeline starts on the layer
  2. add a trigger to the base layer e.g. Show layer x when timeline starts on condition that layerVisit is not equal to True.

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