Trigger: Disable Next button and set Next button to normal

Oct 15, 2020

Im going crazy :) I have tried different ways of getting what I want in Storyline 3 and at some point it worked. Now it doesn't and I am out of idéas. 

I have a slide with 10 shapes. Each shape leads to one or a series of slides. The shapes should be shown as visited after being clicked (or after the following slide/s are done. I want the user to go through all slides before the user can move on to the next scene.

I would be happy if any of you could help me :) I have attached a some what cleaned file so you can have a look.


3 Replies
Garth Yorko

I changed a trigger to make it work for you.

You already have variables for each item the learner must click (Steg1Klar through Steg10Klar).  I Changed your trigger to Adjust the variable Alla10StegKlara.

Rather than use the states, I used to variables.  I adjusted the variable Alla10StegKlara to True when the timeline starts if ALL Steg1Klar through Steg10Klar = True.

I changed the state of the next button to Normal when the timeline starts if Alla10StegKlara = True

The problem you are having is your triggers to change a state of an object when the variable changes on slide 3.1.  The variables don't change on this slide, they change on other slides.  Since you are re-visiting this slide, those triggers can all be changed to When timeline starts change the state of an object if the corresponding variable = True.

Cecilia Pettersson

Thank you so much! Finally its working!

I have tried to set the variable Alla10StegKlara=true but it didn't work. Probably because I mess up between states and variables and how they work together.

Do you have any advice for me on how to think? When should I use states and when should I use variables in relation to triggers and in relation to each other. How are they interconnected?

Thanks for today's sanity :)


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