Trigger Next Button to show when video (web object) ends

May 02, 2017

I have a video on a slide as a web object (due to the size of the video file and the url of the file I can't get it to work as insert video (embed code not valid)).

I have a trigger which hides the next button at the start of the timeline.

I want the user to watch the video before the next button shows.  Is there a way to do this with a web object that is a video?  Note: the video does not autoplay.  The user must click the play button.

I'm using Storyline360




63 Replies
Lizzie Wakefield

I can't - i cant even do an example - I don't have the login details for uploading something and the videos in the course I am not allowed to share outside the project team.

I will see if I can get someone to upload an example video.

I have placed the videos in via a webobject with the link being for example:

where the 'x's stand for numbers

VIAVI Sales Enablement
Michael Anderson

Do you know which Brightcove service you're using? Is it Video Cloud?

Michael and/or Lizzie, it looks like this exchange was fairly recent and exactly what I'm struggling with ... how to insert Brightcove Video Cloud as web objects in Storyline 360, and create some sort of timing-related trigger to advance the user on once they've watched a video. I'd really like to know how this worked out, and what steps I might follow to replicate the results in my own project(s).

I've got any okay'ish work-around, making my Storyline timeline a certain standard length (180 seconds, which none of my videos are shorter than), at which point it reveals a layer with a button to advance. I'd like to explore the ability to simply auto-advance when the video's over, however, which I'm currently unable to do unless I put an actual video file into Storyline ... and why "balloon" my file size(s) when the company's videos are already all out there in Brightcove?

Thanks for any guidance you're able to offer based on your experiences.

rupa dev

We have a module in which we have included a video that is hosted on SharePoint. We have used the option Insert Video>From Website. Is it possible to assign a trigger to enable the Next button after the video ends. We are using Storyline 2. We cannot embed the video on the timeline due to the file size.

Thanks for any kind of help that you can offer.

Leslie McKerchie

Hello Rupa and welcome to E-Learning Heroes :)

Since the web object does not correspond with the timeline, there is not a way to set a trigger based on when that video ends. 

Looks like we've had some community members find ways to work with some other systems, but that is not something we can support.

If you have a tentative time frame, you could add a cue point perhaps that you could tie a trigger to.

Otherwise, hopefully the suggestions here will be able to help you out or someone can chime in to help you out.

Michael Anderson

rupa, if you are just pointing to your own mp4 file hosted on your server, then you should be able to use the free VideoJS player to interact with the video. Check out the example file for the VideoJS player on my website here and let me know if you need any help making it work for your project.