Troubleshooting an interaction

Aug 04, 2014

I am working on a project where a user comes back to a slide several times then on the last visit to the slide, I want the next button to appear. I created T/F variables for the slide so when all the variables are true the next button changes states from hidden to normal but it is not working. I attached a screen shot of the triggers. Can anyone help me troubleshoot this issue?



4 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Emily and welcome to Heroes!

I would suggest changing the trigger order, as I suspect your variables are not being set as the user will have jumped to the next slide prior to the variable trigger. So I would set them up to change the variable first, then adjust the state of the buttons, and then jump to the slide. Also, you'll want to make sure that this main slide is set to "resume saved state". There is more information here on how trigger order is determined and executed.

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I assume if the slide is on "resume saved state", the enabling of the Next button will not work as the trigger is initiating a change when "when the timeline starts", and resuming from the saved state refers to a slide timeline already started, therefore "reset to initial state" may fix the issue depending on the slide setup.

If not, you may have to use separate triggers that "change state" > "when variable changes" for each variable with the condition of each necessary true variable.

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