Trying again....Intro to Storyline 360 ?

Jan 21, 2021

Hi Everyone, 

I wrote earlier in the week hoping to find someone who might have an Intro to Storyline 360 course they'd be willing to share - in its .story format so I could add to it.  I was asked to do a last-minute presentation for a group of colleagues who want to purchase the product, and they want to see the basics and what it can do.  

I've been working on the "what it can do" part, and will do the basics as well if I can't find anything.  I was just hoping someone had a screencast Storyline file, etc., so I could add my newest info to it and go from there.  I'd be happy to attribute it to anyone and also share the final presentation once I add the advanced features.  

It looks like quite a few people were looking to find something I am not alone in my search.  :-)  Thanks!

4 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Peggy,

Looks like you still haven't found what you need - so I'll ask around our team to see if anyone has anything similar and will let you know.

It sounds like once you do have something - worth sharing with the rest of the E-Learning Heroes Community with so many folks looking for similar! 

Sarah Hodge

Hi Peggy! I'd love to help! Can you share a bit more about what that course would look like so I can point you in the right direction? Any links to example content would be super helpful. 

If your goal is to help them see if Storyline 360 is right for them, then this article might be a good place to start. Although the title says “to your boss”, it still walks through some tips to help others see the value in using Articulate 360 (which includes Storyline 360). Showing examples often helps people see all the possibilities.

I know you’re not looking for a video, but I’ve also found this Storyline 360 demo to be helpful for other teams to show what Storyline 360 can do.

I hope this will save you some time and give you some helpful ideas for your presentation!

Peggy Kunz

Hi Sarah, 

I think you are close to finding what I need, and I appreciate your willingness to help!  

I am trying to find a storyline ...about how to use Storyline....but not one that was "rendered" or "published" yet.  

The example that you sent is great...but if i were to use that to teach a group, then we would all be the students, as the person is walking all of us thru the video he his own pace.  This would be a SUPER back-up, once I show everyone how to use the software....but if I am the one teaching, I don't want to just play someone else's video.  

That said, i don't want to claim it as my own either.  What I hoped to find is something where I can show my audience what a "how to use storyline" video looks story view and in slide view.  This way, I can say "here is what the presentation you just saw looks like in it's native view." And I can show them that the course has a voiceover aspect...uses layers...has a master slide...all the components of how to use storyline where I am in essence borrowing someone's "before and after" storyline presentation and showing the group all the features of storyline using a copy of the file both "before and after" it is published.  

The sample one you sent was pretty long - 17 mins i think.  But if there was a 5 minute video someone created and has the "before-published" version that I could use as a teaching tool to show everyone the pieces of how storyline works and what it looks like when finished, that would be great.  

I just started at a new position and couldn't bring along any stoyrline presentations I created in the past...and of course they were proprietary as i was just looking for a "how to use storyline" presentation that wasn't published yet...if that makes sense.  Sorry for babbling..I wanted to be sure to explain that I was NOT asking to take someone else's hard work...more to use it as a teaching tool and then pass along whatever I do to instruct my viewers on how Storyline works.  Thanks again!