Trying to change the state of a top menu button in one scene, when all buttons are set to visited in another scene

Mar 05, 2020

I have added a trigger using a variable to a top menu button state to change to a custom visited state when all of the sub buttons in another scene have been set to visited. I have applied the logic from similar examples, but I can't figure out why it's not working.

3 Replies
Seth Ozen

I wouldn't use T/F trigger here. I've created a counter and when it's =>4 it changes the state of the top menu button. topmenuviewed counter is set to 0 initially and on slides 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 and 5.4 an addition of 1 is made. The first slide checks on start whether the counter is=> 4 or not and behaves accordingly.

Walt Hamilton

Articulate has never been able to program "When all states are ..." well enough for it to be reliable.  It seems to work if the last state changes while the trigger happens to be checking, which is a pretty tenuous basis for initiating an action that must happen. Think about it: "when states are ..." is NOT an action, so how can it be used to identify the time when a trigger should fire?  Most of us wishfully think it means "When states become ...", but Articulate can't or won't program it that way. Triggers can monitor variables for changes, but not objects to see if their state changes. If you want something that is reliable, most of us have discovered that we need to write the trigger to take its action "When timeline starts (or some other identifiable ACTION, like a variable changing)  if States are ..."

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