Two issues: Audio messed up when publishing and script error when opening up Storyline 1

Mar 13, 2015

I am experiencing two very confusing issues that possibly are or are not related. 

Issue one:  when I open Storyline 1 I  get a script error.  I have deleted storyline from my computer and reinstalled twice and still get the same error.  See attachment.   

Issue two:  I created a course with audio and published it to my computer.  When I play the course slide three (I have not troubleshooted any further) the audio starts off fine and then midway through it is garbled, starts over, speeds up and has an echo.  When I play the audio on that slide from the timeline it is fine.  When I preview that slide it is messed up and when I publish the course, the audio on that slide is messed up.  I have republished multiple times and uninstalled andinstalled Storyline and am having the same issue.  All day yesterday the course was fine. 


7 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Jennifer,

When you click yes to allow the script error - what happens? Or if you click no? It looks like it's not connecting to the tutorials that are linked from our site on that opening page. Have you confirmed that you're connected to the internet? 

In regards to your audio issue, can you confirm that you're working on local project files? Did you record the audio in Storyline or import it in? If you imported it, it's worth checking into the items mentioned here for audio issues. 

Jennifer DeSormoux

Hello. Thanks for assisting me.
Nothing happens that I can see when I click either yes or no. I just click one or the other option and then move along my way. It appears every time I open up a storyline project.
Yes. I am working off of local saved files. Actually I have them saved in multiple locations to troubleshoot and still have the issue. My coworker was able to open the files and did not experience any of the issues I am experiencing. Also, he was able to place my flies on a new local drive for me to access and when I did and played the story file, the course audio runs fine. So weird. I recorded the audio in storyline just as I have many times with other projects and have had no problems.
Jennifer DeSormoux
Technical Learning Specialist
HD Supply - Power Solutions
Orlando, Florida
T: 407.893.6641
Cisco Extension: 36641


Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Jennifer,

In regards to the audio issue, if it's only occuring on your computer I'd have you look into conducting the repair as detailed here. It may also be this one file - so you mentioned having it in multiple locations, you'll want to confirm that you download and open from your local drive only. 

In regards to the script error, I'm glad Storyline continues to open - let us know after going through the repair steps if you're still seeing the behavior. You'll also want to confirm that you're working within the latest update of Storyline 1, update 8. 

Jennifer DeSormoux

Thanks for your help but those steps I already did all this morning and they didn't work. I uninstalled and reinstalled Storyline three times now, rebooted my computer twice, and still have the same issues. I have always placed my content out in my c drive and have never had this issue happen before. I am not sure what to do next.
Jennifer DeSormoux
Technical Learning Specialist
HD Supply - Power Solutions
Orlando, Florida
T: 407.893.6641
Cisco Extension: 36641


Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Jennifer,

I also forgot to mention that replying via email includes your signature here in the thread, so you're welcome to remove that if you'd like.

did you go through the repair steps as I linked? it's more involved than a normal uninstall/reinstall in that article. You're also welcome to work directly with our support engineers here if you'd prefer and they'll be able to take a look at your system set up in more detail. 

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