Uploading Files/Folders to GoDaddy

Apr 23, 2015

I am trying to upload my project to my GoDaddy account so I can share my projects for my ePortfolio.  The problem is that I am very new to using GoDaddy and I use Weebly for my ePortfolio.  So, what I am trying to do is upload my project to GoDaddy and then link it up to my weebly account.  Can someone please help me?

I do not want to go through the trouble of rebuilding my site in GoDaddy if possible....please say there is a solution. 



4 Replies
Donna Pepper

Hi Niki - I don't know about Weebly specifically but here's my thinking. If you could get to the point where you can generate a link to the .story file in the published folder of your course, it seems you would then be able to incorporate that link into your Weebly page/site or whatever. To back up a little, with a host like GoDaddy, there should be some way for you to upload your published content from Storyline. That could be a web interface or by using an FTP client like FileZilla, SmartFTP or Fetch (many of these are free). If you use an FTP client, you would need information such as your hostname, username and a path for where the published folder would be put. Here's a link to information about sharing Storyline content that may help - http://www.articulate.com/support/storyline/publishing-and-sharing-articulate-storyline-content.

Good luck and I hope this helps.

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