using variables to track scene completion

Feb 24, 2014

I have a module with an Intro scene and four other scenes.  The learners selects a button on the topic slide in the Intro scene to go to another scene.  After completing that scene they return to the Intro's topic slide.  Can I use variables to change the state of the topic button and 'deactivate' it once they return to the topic slide?

If so, how?


5 Replies
Michael Hinze

See attached a sample with a menu slide and five sections. At the last slide of each section, a True/False variable is set to True (to signify completion of that section). Back at the menu slide, there are slide triggers that change the state of each button to disabled, based on the value of the completion variables. Hope that helps.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

This thread is a bit older Julie, and although Michael is still a regular here in the forums I don't know if he's subscribed to this thread - I was able to download the file and have attached it here. If you're unable to download could you try right clicking and doing a "save as" or look at downloading it from another browser? 

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