Variable Question

Feb 05, 2018

I have 8 radio buttons on a slide. When the user clicks each one, another Layer pops up. I want the user to HAVE TO CLICK ON EACH Radio Button BEFORE they move forward to the next slide. How do I write that variable?

1 Reply
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Brian,

I'm not sure it's a variable - but as long as those radio buttons aren't in a grouped set of objects, they should remain selected when the user clicks.

If that happens, you could then set a trigger to: jump to next slide when the user clicks the next button on the condition that all the radio buttons are in the selected state. 

If you're using the buttons as a part of a group, or are preferring to use a variable, let us know and then we can offer some alternative ideas! Also if you can share your .story file here that's always helpful for the community to play around with the set up! 

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