Video triggers, previous and next buttons

Oct 22, 2012

When I click the previous button while playing a video, the player will go to the previous slide.  However, when I click next from that slide, the video will have sound, but no picture. 

Also, if I click the next button from the video with sound, but no picture, the sound continues to play on the next slide.

What can I do to fix this?

13 Replies
Christine Hendrickson

Hi Sarah,

It looks like there was quite a bit of troubleshooting for Ruth's case. What format is the video you're using? If you're not already using MP4, try converting the video to MP4 and testing it within a slide. 

Regarding the replay when revisiting, what you do currently have for your slide properties? Do you have it set to reset to its initial state?

Are you able to post the project's .story file here, so I can take a look at what's happening?


Sarah McGowan

Thanks Christine.

I've uploaded a version now. The video file was created in Captivate.

One other query the customer had was around the Video quality. It has become alot more blurry in MP4 format ( I had previously had it as a .swf file). I wonder if there is a quality issue I can fix?



Maya Speights

Greetings Sarah,

I worked with Ruth and our Developer to overcome the video replay issue you are experiencing in Storyline as well and we have come up with the following steps.  Please note, we also lost fidelity using the .MP4 but were able to obtain a higher resolution output from the video company which corrected the problem but in the end went back to using an .FLV video file.

Our developer utilized CS5 and the new Flash in CS5 seems to have made the difference in being able to produce videos that did not cause the playback issues.  Here are the additional steps we utilized after the .FLV was created in CS5:

  1. Upload your  .FLV file to the server
  2. Insert Your.SWF into Storyline
  3. Publish
  4. (Optional) If using captions COPY SkinUnderPlaySeekCaption.swf and YourTranscript.xml into root of output folder
  5. Re-zip all contents in output folder for LMS

In addition to the following steps I utilized the reset to initial state option as mentioned in previous replies as well as the following:

1. Changed PREVIOUS button on the slide following the video to return the user to the slide prior to the video, i.e., selecting PREVIOUS on slide 13 returns user to slide 11 where they could then select NEXT to view the video.

2.  How you insert the .swf into the document DOES matter depending on how you want it to behave, I have copied the text from Storyline Guidelines for Flash development for your review and reference.

How to incorporate Flash movies into Storyline

Insert FLV movies into Storyline via Insert > Video > Video from File.

To insert SWF movies, choose one of two methods, depending on how you're using the SWF file:

  • If your SWF file is a movie that requires no interaction from users, use the Insert > Video > Video from File option (just as you would with a movie in any other file format). This method synchronizes the video with the slide's timeline.
  • If your SWF file contains interactive elements, use the Insert > Flash option instead. This method plays the SWF file independently of the slide, allowing your users to interact with it at their own pace.

And here's a link to the remainder of the information:

Best regards,

Maya Speights

Sarah McGowan

Hi Maya,

Thank for your response. However I am unable to use the .SWF file, I have been informed by a colleague of yours that I have to use an MP4. This is because the video controls on Storyline will not actually control the .SWF video file, but they will control the MP4 vifdeo file.

This was another issue I was having previously.



Maya Speights

Sarah McGowan said:

Hi Maya,

Thank for your response. However I am unable to use the .SWF file, I have been informed by a colleague of yours that I have to use an MP4. This is because the video controls on Storyline will not actually control the .SWF video file, but they will control the MP4 vifdeo file.

This was another issue I was having previously.



After the initial lack of functionality frustration subsided the solution above was created as a workaround for the issue, however, the key to solving the stated .swf versus .MP4 issue was to create the .FLV file utilizing the new version of Flash in CS5, if you are using a previous version this workaround will indeed be unscuccessful.

Utilizing .mp4 was not a viable option for us as our LMS did not support .mp4 files, it is worth a try if you are using CS5.

Best regards,


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