Want Jump to URL/File to open within same tab/window.

Aug 07, 2012

For the end of a module, I have a submit button where when they click it, the player trigger Jumps to the URL/FIle if a button is equal to selected.  It works beautifully.

However, it has been asked that instead of the url going to a new window, that it stay in the same tab/window as the module (effectively closing the module).  Is this possible?  I didn't see a way to alter whether or not the trigger made the url go to a new window or not.



7 Replies
Katie Riggio

Greetings, Aletha. Happy to help!

It looks like you're using Storyline 360, which includes the new triggers panel. I created this short recording on how to locate the new browser window properties window and adjust the window size.

Also, here's the published output from the video. Let me know if these steps help you out!

Aletha Musser


Thank you! It works perfectly. I appreciate the detailed video response.

Aletha Musser, M. Ed.
MassCourts Training Manager
Judicial Information Services Department
Office of Court Management
1 Center Plaza, Boston MA 02108
Upcoming Out-of-Office Dates : December 23-31, 2019

LaCara Black

This was extremely helpful as I was dealing with the same issue yesterday. Was super excited to see the videos that made it simple to duplicate the actions in my own course. However, in addition to opening the url in a smaller size, I'd like to be able to have the window close and return to the course page to click/view the next url. Is there a way to do this using triggers?

Leslie McKerchie

Hello LaCara,

Thank you for letting us know that Katie's solution was able to help you and what you would like to create.

I took a look at the solution and can see that closing the additional, smaller window does return you to the course page you were on. Could you further explain what you are looking to create with a trigger?