What kind of reporting can Storyline provide?

May 31, 2018


I was wondering what kind of reporting can Storyline provide? I have a quiz published as SCORM in a LMS. As an admin, I need to get data on:

Individual level: the answers of the user for each question, the final score, percentage, pass/fail

Group level: how many users took the quiz, how many users passed/fail

Can I get all of the above? I guess what I'm trying to find out is how much information can Storyline send to a LMS?


1 Reply
Elizabeth Kuhlmann

Hi Alina,

Storyline can report the following things to your Learning Management System when you publish your course, as a way for your LMS to know how to determine if the learner passed the course or not.

  • Track using number of slides viewed: trigger course completion when learners view a specific number of slides.
  • Track using quiz result:  track learners based on their quiz results. If your course has multiple quizzes, choose the one you want to track. (This option will be grayed-out if your course doesn’t have any result slides.)
  • Track using complete course trigger: track learners based on course completion triggers you added to your course. (This option is grayed-out if your course doesn't have any completion triggers.)

The kind of reporting you're describing would need to come from the LMS directly, and not from the publishing of the Storyline course.  I hope that helps!

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