When revisiting slide

May 17, 2023

I adjusted my slide properties for "When revisiting" to be 'resume saved state' and the setting is not saving. I've seen this issue between previewing my slides in storyline, in Review360, and a test version uploaded to my LMS. I've restarted the program and restarted my computer and the issue persists. Does this need a trigger even if it's a slide property?

1 Reply
Steven Benassi

Hi Jacob!

It sounds like you had some questions about the state of your next button when revisiting a slide. I see that you've already opened a support case and connected with my colleague Darwin. You're in excellent hands working with him!

It looks like Darwin replied to your e-mail with some feedback and solutions. I'd suggest giving those a try to see if that does the trick!

We'll continue this conversation over in your support case.