You Tube Videos in Storyline

Mar 19, 2014

Good Morning

Now I know we can add Youtube videos into Storyline with ease.

But is it possible to detect when the video has completed?  Similar to the Trigger below ?

I know the length of the video so perhaps I could use JavaScript as a count down in the background but this seems overly complex. 

Any suggestions would be much appreciated !

3 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Trav,

The media triggers won't work with a web object as you mentioned, but if you know the length of it you could set up on offstage element to appear on Storyline's timeline based on when the video ends - this would also assume the user hasn't use the video controls to pause or scrub through the video - but even if they do, the object won't appear until its position in the timeline. 

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