An issue happening with my multiple choice quiz!

Feb 15, 2017

I am creating a quiz that has 3 questions and 5 answer choices for each. I am using layers to show the distractors giving information as to why the answer isn't the best choice and allowing them to try again if they didn't get it right. If they choose the correct answer they click "continue" to advance to the next question. (They can try again as many times as needed to get the correct answer, so really they can't fail!)

When the quiz is done, the system doesn't recognize that they have completed the course - even though I have added the trigger to submit the multiple choice answer on the continue button on the correct slide. They get to the end but it doesn't trigger the LMS to mark them having successfully completed the course.

6 Replies
Dave Cox

Do you have a results slide? The results slide is required to get Storyline to send a completion and final scores to the LMS. You don't have to have and Exit Course slide as Nick suggests. I don't use them, as I find that they don't exit the course reliably due to browser security settings. If you do use one however, it will send the completion again, if the results slide has played.

Melinda Keske

Yes, I have both the "exit course" button and a results slide.

During my testing yesterday, I found out that my test participant could "pass" the quiz and get the credit only if all of the 5 choices were viewed. If the correct answers were the only ones chosen the course was not marked as passed/completed. Is there something within the set-up of a Multiple Choice quiz that I can choose how many answers they have to look at to be marked complete?

Dave Cox

Hi Melinda,

On the results slide, you can select which questions are included and reported in the quiz results, and the score from those slide will be added to the quiz results. You can't just count how many questions were answered at random though, you have to decide which question the user will see at design time. When I develop a quiz, I usually restrict the students ability to skip questions, and require them to answer all of them. I turn off the previous and next buttons, hide the scroll bar, and only give them the submit button to proceed. This way I ensure that they answer all of my questions.

Melinda Keske

So, my quiz is set up a little different, I have 3 slides each of which have a multiple choice question on it. When they select an answer a layer pops up with information as to why it is not the best choice - for the 4 wrong answers, or the correct answer and why it is the best choice. If it is wrong, they get the try again button that takes them back to the base layer to try again. They have unlimited chances to try to get the right answer. If they select the right answer, they click the "continue" button that takes them to the next question base layer. Then the process repeats.

I found in my testing that only if you looked at all 15 answer options did it mark you as having completed the test. I didn't recognize that you completed it if you only selected the 3 correct answers (or any number of wrong ones other than every single option!)

What am I missing?

Dave Cox

This sounds like you've built a custom activity rather than a standard multiple choice question with a submit button. Is that correct? If so, then the question probably isn't scoring. The best thing to do for this case is to create an additional "hidden" slide to handle the scoring interaction. This is easy enough to do. 

  1. Add a true/false question slide after your previous interaction. You will use this interaction to report your results to your LMS, and to record your score results for the completion slide.
  2. When your interaction is complete, store the pass/fail result of your interaction in a variable as a true or false.
  3. Jump to the true/false interaction slide. Set a trigger to activate the true or false answer when the timeline starts, based on the value of your variable.
  4. Set another trigger to submit the results of this slide when the timeline starts. Make sure this trigger is after the trigger from step 3.
  5. On the timeline, move all slide elements start time to at least 1/4 second after the beginning of the timeline. This will prevent the content from displaying.

The above steps will activate a true/false interaction, and submit the results and then move to the next slide. The results of that slide will record and score your quiz interaction, and will also report to the LMS.

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