Audio for Quiz on Articulate Storyline

Sep 05, 2018


I am building my first quiz with audio and my issue is that I have audio for the questions, and have audio for the multiple choice.  When the user visits the scene, it begins to read the question but I am not sure how to go about having the answers read out loud.  Also, I have it so that the answers shuffle if the scene is revisited.  Can anyone help me?  Thanks in advance!

7 Replies
Stéphanie Delfau

Hi Celia,

Just like David recommended, you can use triggers to start the audio. Depending on the result you're looking for, you can add each media in a different layer so that the learner cannot play multiple audios at the same time (use the prevent learner from clicking on the base slide option and the close current layer at the end of the timeline).

If you have any other questions, I'd be happy to try and help. I built a project based on audio for high shool learners as part of a language class (oral comprehension) so I have a bit of experience with that kind of quiz.

Good luck with your project!

Celia Ceballos

It's me again!  So I added the hotspots and edited the triggers so that the audio plays for each choice upon the user's mouse hover.  The thing is that when I go to preview, I no longer hear the original audio that plays reading out the question on the timeline.  :( Do you know how I can fix this?  Also, I don't hear the audio when I hover over the choices.  thanks again community!

Stéphanie Delfau

Which version of Storyline are you using?

Maybe the problem comes from using hotspots. What I had done for my project is using an image representing an audio sign. Upon click or mouse over the image, the audio would play.

I'm not gonna be able to use this account (professional email) as today is my last day at my company. I'll DM you my personal email if you want to reach me.

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