Demo: Drag the phone to take a look of your bones

Jan 04, 2022

I am used to find inspiration by exploring E-Learning Examples and like to challenge myself to twist some of the examples into my own version. So when I see this example Skeleton Reveal created by Preethi Ravisankar. Her version uses buttons to move the x-ray up or down and that works beautifully. So I thought why not create a version that let users drag the phone with slider. In addition, rather than just have learners exploring the skeletal system, I also add question mechanism (for the demo I only add one, but of course there could be more) to make the learning activity even more engaging and motivate learners to find information about the skeletal system.



3 Replies
Bianca Woods

Hi Joanne,

What a fun way to play with the ideas from another project and find another way to approach the design ideas in it. I especially love how smooth and seamless the interaction for moving the phone around felt.

That's one of the things I find so fun about e-learning development: there are often so many different ways to create a similar experience. Thanks so much for sharing your remix!