E-Learning Personalization - Master Thesis

Feb 26, 2014

Hi everybody,

I am working on my master thesis and i need your help, 

Over than 50 days i am reading about tons of papers in the field of E-Learning Personalization, but i am little confusing and need a help to rearrange my thoughts.

The problem is .. i can't find the subject of the thesis .. !!

I appreciate in advance all of your suggestions.

3 Replies
Tim Slade

Hi Ahmed,

Can you provide some background information as to how you came to the topic of "E-Learning Personalization?" Also, can you help further define this term? When I think of this term, to me, it represents something related to e-learning design (graphic/visual design). I suspect that's not what you mean.

I think if you can provide more details, we can help you further.


Ahmed Ragab

Thanks a lot dear Tim, 

The topic "E-Learning Personalization" is an advise from my supervisor, i read tons of paper in that field, they talking about personalize the content of the course based on student profile and his interests, capabilities, behavior or which type of content he prefer to learn (listing audio, watching video or reading in text). 

It all about introduce the course content to the students in the best layout to speed up the learning process with care of the individual difference between them.

I assume to apply a questionnaire in one of the universities here in my country to do one of the following:

Measuring or exploring the importance of the E-Learning Personalization

- Is the E-Learning Personalization is used and applied

- How E-Learning Personalization applied

All of the previous questions may be a problem statement for my thesis and one of it may be a title for my thesis.

I said "may be" because i still assumptions.

I need your advise in this forest of ideas to find a good and valuable subject to work on it.

Cary Glenn

Hi Ahmed,

I would caution you against using Learning Styles for your personalization of eLearning. Learning Styles has been shown to be a myth.



Read Merrill's work on instructional design. http://mdavidmerrill.com/Papers/papers.htm Merrill actually has an article on writing dissertations.

It might be worth investigating the use of a pre-test to assess prior knowledge of the subject and then having the course be personalized to where they are in the knowledge of the subject. Mayer and Gallini (1990) showed that novices learn better from text and illustrations than from words alone, but experts learned equally well from both conditions.

Have you read E-Learning and the Science of Instruction by Ruth Colvin Clark and Richard E. Mayer?

Can you post some links to the papers that discuss personalizing content? I would be interested in reading them.

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