E-Learning Pets: Post photos of your 'co-workers'!

Jan 27, 2015

David and I were tweeting at each other, and he had the great idea to start a thread for us to share photos of our pets. As many of us work from home, these guys may be our only companion on any given workday...You are not crazy. I promise. Maybe share a bit about them too - we all love our pets!

Here are mine:


Alison is eight and extremely solitary - seriously. I have no idea where she goes all day. She's half siamese and has the distinctive meow. She absolutely hates two things: the vet (she's been ONCE!) and wind.

Sophie is the oldest, and the crotchetiest. She's nine and loves chattering at birds and snuggling with Milo. Weighing less than any other living creature in our household, she is the resident defender. Sophie don't play.

Milo is also nine. He's blind in both eyes, but gets around just fine. He is the most reliable cuddler, and makes his way to bed every night as soon as we settle in. Milo loves everything and is afraid of nothing.

Oliver is three. He is a beagle/shepherd mix, has had one toe amputated, and LOVES frisbee more than anything else in the whole wide world. He's terrified of fireworks.


65 Replies
Bruce Graham

As the cats have hidden, (again...), this is Timmy.

He's a Sheeloud, (a cross between a sheep and a cloud).

Actually...I just made that up...he's a 3.75 year old Cavachon, (designer mutt), and Kevin - he's hypoallergenic, as I am also allergic to most dogs. They always retain their soft fluffy "baby fur", and look perpetually like puppies.

In his spare time he has been known to eat electric plugs, and because he's basically spent 3 years as besties with one of the cats, (the other has a mutual loathing for him...), he thinks he's a cat. He tries to jump out of the windows, (losing the challenge to gravity every time), and tries to come in via the cat-flap. He gets stuck. He sleeps in the office when I am there, creating enough heat to warm it up. I have also had to filter his snores out of voiceovers on more than one occasion.

Basically he's as dumb as a stump and we love him dearly.

Holly MacDonald

Cassie is a five year old shedding machine, aka Golden Retriever, who tries to keep me sane by taking me out for walks to the mountains, forest or beach. However on most walks she swims or rolls in something disgusting and I wonder why I bother, as she'll smell terrible after that. Then she goes to sleep for hours on end. Good thing she has a sweet face!

Climb Every Mountain!

Swim every sea!

And then fall asleep

Joshua Roberts

Haha thanks Kelly!

He's doing great - just booked him on to some puppy training classes although he's so smart I think he'll outshine the class - he's got so many things nailed down already!

We bought him due to the fact he's hypoallergenic as my girlfriend has a long list of allergies. We also ensured that he was bred from a Cockapoo x Poodle so we could reduce the amount of cocker spaniel!

Ashley Chiasson

I'm not sure if Oliver is really smart and just playing us...we feed him out of a muffin tin because when we first got him, he was food aggressive and would eat his food as fast as he could (probably used to competing for his food); anyhow, this Christmas, my mom gifted us one of those puzzle food bowls, where you fill it up and then he has to move the disc with his nose to get to each section. He either couldn't figure it out, or gave up knowing the humans would revert back to the easier solution :P

Jeanne Bernui
Jackie Van Nice

Ashley, this post inspired me to consider what you get when you add pets + online training. A quick search for "cat games" led to this interactive session for our guy Dewey:

Dewey Enjoying Some Interactivity

This is great!  I read an article just the other day about DogTV - a network of programming specifically designed to entertain dogs.  Has anyone seen it?  I think I read that it's only available through Dish... I see they have a YouTube channel, too.

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