Forcing using to view all content on slide

Sep 16, 2015

Is there a way to force the user to view all the animation on my slide (hot spots, links, etc...) prior to moving on to the next slide?  I'm using Storyline 1.

2 Replies
Chris R


A few thoughts come to mind, one of which is making sure the learner is not confused about what to visit and where to go.

Secondly, the most common way I deal with ensuring learners visit all content interactivity is using states for visited objects.

For example, If they click a NEXT navigation button (not using player default previous and next buttons) and any one of the objects is not visited, show an 'oops' layer advising a learner to visit all markers or infographics or whatever you mention before moving forward.

Hide the oops layer and return to the original later/slide when they close that message layer by clicking an X close button.

The second trigger on the NEXT navigation button would be to show a layer, jump to a slide or whatever, provided all objects states are = to visited.

A variation of this is where, again, not using player default prev and next buttons, and Similarly using states, hold off on revealing the next button until all objects or visited.

Hope that helps!

Sent from my iPhone

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