Freelance Heroes-- Is it time for FH to have its own discussion section listed in the "Discuss" dropdown menu?

Jul 29, 2015

What if the "Discuss" dropdown menu on the E-Learning Heroes toolbar looked like this?

  • Featured Discussions
  • Discuss Course Building
  • Discuss Freelancing (Discuss Freelance Heroes?)
  • Discuss Articulate Storyline
  • Discuss Articulate Storyline

Seems like there is enough interest in freelancing within the E-Learning Heroes community for the topic to have its own section. 

Possible threads under that topic could include pricing/finding customers/starting your own e-learning business....


3 Replies
Marissa Carterud

I'm all for it! In the process right now of starting my own business and I'm interested in what others have to say regarding pricing as well as designing specifically for clients per their needs vs. designing stock courses that they can purchase for training.

I started to go through the old discussion board, but there is alot there.

Thanks, Marissa

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