Has anyone seen the Apple Genius Training Student Workbook?

Jul 23, 2013

I was reading about how it was leaked online, but, I am curious if anyone has been able to actually get their hands on one?

3 Replies
Bruce Graham

Well...from the excerpts I found online does not seem to be very different from any "Value Selling" technique I have ever seen/trained on PLUS a fair old dollop of NLP and common-sense.

All put into a role-playing background from a company that is not afraid to sell, (and wants to make a good profit...)


Cary Glenn

Thanks for the link Bruce. It was an interesting article. I've worked in retail sales before and much of what I learned there would be the same as at Apple. It is all about making the customer happy and feeling valuable. It is interesting that they believe in in body language and NLP type programming; these have been shown to be scientifically inaccurate.

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