How to subtract from variable on deselect - help!

May 23, 2019

Hi Gurus,

I am putting together a questionnaire with answer choices of A, B, C,  so that the results should be a count of how many A's, how many B's and so on.

So far so easy. I used a count variable for each letter and a checkbox beside the letter that added 1 when it was selected. I also made each group of ABCD a button set so only one could be selected.

The problem is if someone changes their selection. It is still counting the old selection. I used "visited state" and the same thing happens. The variable still remembers that it was visited so still counts it even though there is a new selection.

Is there any elegant way of programming the variable to only count 1 if it is CURRENTLY selected and forget that it was EVER selected?

I am thinking it would be something like add 1 if state is selected, -1 if state is normal, but then all the not-selected ones would be in the negatives.

I am perplexed.

Please help.

Thank you!


25 Replies
Wendy Farmer

See if this works.  There is a submit button so everything is validated when they click that - this way you don't need to do the subtract trigger. There is a button set.

They can change their mind as many times as they like and it won't calculate but once they click submit, a shape is overlaid so they can't go back and change it.


Wendy Farmer

Do you have a file started - might be easier for peeps to help you if we can see the setup.  You may be able to manipulate the likert scale survey slide where you can have a number of statements down the left and then the scale horizontally that would account for your A B C D.

Update - no Likert won't work - max 10 statements.

Steve Gannon

Great job, Victoria! Very well done! (Apparently, I'm an "I" learner.) I can see you put a lot of effort into this. 

Where did I learn my "Articulate Wizardy?" I started with Articulate software around 2005, back when Studio was called "Articulate Professional." Before that, I used an advanced tool called Authorware for over a decade. I started with Storyline with version 1 (I teach Storyline and other Articulate tools online and in person on-site).

There's a lot you can do with Storyline in particular since it has variables, triggers and access to JavaScript. Once you have the end-goal in mind, just break it into small steps. As you discovered with your learning style assessment project, once you establish the variables you'll need and get the first couple of triggers in place, it mostly then becomes just labor to populate the rest of the slides.

Good luck with your assessment rollout!

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