Is it possible to pre-pend Aritculate output file names...

Jul 24, 2012


I have a SCORM 1.2 training that has several modules in it and each module has the same output file names so they are over-riding each other.  Is there anyway to "pre-pend" Articulate output file names?



4 Replies
Melody Jankowski

Hello Bruce,

The problem is the files are not pre-pended with the module name's i.e.(imsmanifest.xml, engage.swf, engage.html).  When I try uploading these modules into the LMS it the files over-write the one before it.  I am trying to build one course with many modules and FAQ's.  I found a work-around but I would still like to know if this is an option.

Thank you,


Steve Flowers

Hi, Melody - 

Sorry. It's not possible to do this. The imsmanifest.xml file, for example, must be named imsmanifest.xml. You might be able to build a custom SCO that references items published into folders for a single upload. But you may find that it's easier to upload multiple SCOs and associate those lessons with a single course.

If you're interested in building a SCO with multiple components, here is a video series that runs through building these with a tool called the Reload editor:

You'd publish your SCOs individually as you normally would, into separate folders. You'd then create a new SCO that bundled all of the files from those folders into a single package with multiple item references. Done correctly, your LMS should see each of these elements and put them all into the right place

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