Layering showing based on score

Jul 24, 2020

I am trying to convert a seated training class to an e-learning class.  I would like for specific layers resisting, observing, accommodating, or embracing to show based on how the learner answers each statement. I've included on slide 1 which statements when answered highly (4 or 5) correspond to which level of change.  I had someone else help, but I'm still struggling and would appreciate any help anyone could offer.  Thanks!

14 Replies
Dave Cox

Hi Daisha,

I'm not terribly sure of how the logic is supposed to work on this project, But based on what you have here, I was able to get your resisting layer to show when the selections 1, 6, 12, 15 and 19 were selected to 4 or 5 as you designated. I also see some other layers showing, which could be causing your confusion.

The first suggestion that I can make, is to number your radio buttons as I've done on the first slide. That will make it much easier to inspect your triggers for problem. The other thing that I did on slide 1.4 was to change your layer properties so they don't automatically close the other layers. Now you can see more than just one layer at a time.

Take a look at what I've done so far, and see if that helps. If you need more help, perhaps you can share the logic of how this is supposed to work with me, and I can give you some additional help.


Tom Kuhlmann

I'm with Dave and not quite sure how the activity is supposed to work. I did record a longer tutorial to talk through some basic concepts first.

  1. Record a Peek video to let us know how the activity should work. Don't go through how you have it set up. Once we're clear on the activity and what you want to do, we can offer some production tips.
  2. The tutorial shows a few production tips and ideas that may help conceptualize what you want.

Hope that helps.

Daisha Gaines

Hi Tom,

I took your advice and recorded a Peek video to try and explain the purpose of the assessment and how I would like the results to display.  Please let me know if you have any suggestions.



Tom Kuhlmann

To follow on to Dave's question: 

I assume that by selecting high in one category, they'd by nature be selecting low in the others. However, if they did select high in all categories, then it's possible to show all categories. Just something to consider.

Do they need to select 4 and above for all? What if they selected 4 on all but 1? I'd probably use some sort of score like 20+ is high for that category. 4x5=20. However it is possible to do 4x5 and 1x1 which would 21. 

If you can go with a score, then you can create a trigger to show X if the value is 20+

If they have to select 4 or 5 on all, then you probably need some sort of T/F to track that they clicked something specific.

Dave Cox

Hi Daisha,

Based on what you said, I completely rebuilt the triggers. I set them up to add points to the correct category for each radio button. Since you need a score of 20 or better to display a layer, now all we have to do is look for that score, and display the correct layers based on the score.

If only one category has a score of 20 or more, then only one category will display. If more categories have a score of 20 or more, then you will see each of those layers display.

Check it out. I hope that this works for you.


Daisha Gaines

Thank you both so very much!!!  I feel like we're almost there!  In the paper version of this assessment, the way the scoring works is that the category with the highest score represents the Change IQ of the learner.  For instance, the learner would we a resister if their highest scores are coming from questions 1, 6, 12, 15 & 19 and so on.  I've attached the paper assessment here.  I just want to make sure if the learner doesn't score a 20 or higher in a category that they can still be shown the Change IQ for their highest rated category.  If you need more information, please let me know.  Thanks again, you both are amazing!!!!!

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