Need audio clips of different vocal styles - where to find?

Dec 23, 2016

Hi all,

I have a client project that requires some audio samples of some different vocal styles (stuttering, heavy accent, slow speaking, etc.) but I'm having difficulty finding an audio licensing service that has anything like this. Is anyone aware of a source for something like this?



2 Replies
JD Coburn

Call a radio station, ask the Program Director.  They always have "a guy".  Someone who can produce all those vocal stylings is fairly valuable in voice over.  If you want someone who is very good at it then talk to an agent who represents voice over talent.  These guys all have home studios now so they can work remotely.  Wally Wingert isn't bad, he's in LA.  I'd offer to do it but I don't have a quiet room where I am.  I hope that helps.

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