Screen print inserts blurry

Feb 13, 2019

When I do a screen print of a specific screen, or a page of content to include in my presentation, the image in Articulate is very blurry.  I am not sure if I am doing this correctly.  I have tried to copy & paste, save as jpg and insert, even snip and insert.  

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

3 Replies
Allison LaMotte

Hi Lynda,

Have you tried using the screencasting tool in Storyline to take the screenshots instead of taking them outside the tool and pasting them into Storyline? The advantage of doing it this way is that you can make sure the size of the screenshot is the same size as your slide, so you won't have to make the image bigger or smaller, which can make the image blurry.

If you haven't tried that yet, I would give it a shot!

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