Tile Letter - Buttons for Download

Jun 02, 2011

I was trying to find an image that made one think of insurance.  I just wanted as a background for a new course I'm creating.  I couldn't find one that spoke to my particular need, but I did see this example from the Lencurrie Life website - http://www.lencurrie.com/2009/08/do-i-have-enough-life-insurance/

So this gave me the idea that I didn't necessarily need an image, perhaps I could just create an image with the word I needed to convey, but in a slightly creative way.  So that meant I needed some letter tiles and not finding exactly what I needed nor having tiles on hand to rearrange and take a picture of....I created my own.

And.....since I love to share.  Here they are for you as well.  

(this is updated to ensure all tiles have all point values)

29 Replies
Jenise Cook (RidgeViewMedia.com)

For in-house courses where there's no "profit" involved, I always check with the Legal (and sometimes Compliance) Departments regarding copyright issues. Especially with Ethics programs in place in most corporations, your Legal "eagles" can let you know if the use of certain Registered or Trademarked images could cause a problem.

Again, it depends... but often the answer was it was okay to use the images because these were courses for internal employees; the corporation wasn't selling the courses to make a profit.

Now, if you ARE selling the courses to make a profit, then the answer is "no", the use of those R or TM images would be a clear violation of Copyright and Trademark laws in the USA.

(Sheesh... the above comes from years of coordinating projects with Legal and Compliance folks. LOL)

"Trust but verify" and become really good friends with your Legal and Compliance Department colleagues.

Mike B.

Jenise Cook (RidgeViewMedia.com) said:

For in-house courses where there's no "profit" involved, I always check with the Legal (and sometimes Compliance) Departments regarding copyright issues. Especially with Ethics programs in place in most corporations, your Legal "eagles" can let you know if the use of certain Registered or Trademarked images could cause a problem.

Again, it depends... but often the answer was it was okay to use the images because these were courses for internal employees; the corporation wasn't selling the courses to make a profit.

Now, if you ARE selling the courses to make a profit, then the answer is "no", the use of those R or TM images would be a clear violation of Copyright and Trademark laws in the USA.

(Sheesh... the above comes from years of coordinating projects with Legal and Compliance folks. LOL)

"Trust but verify" and become really good friends with your Legal and Compliance Department colleagues.

You're almost always going to be covered by internal usage, but make sure your course will not be shown publicly at trade shows, used on demos, or submitted in contests.

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