Tin Can Toon

Feb 20, 2013

Has anyone seen the Tin Can Cartoon by Float at http://floatlearning.com/tincancartoon/#? I mention it not to discuss Tin Can, but instead because I think it's such an AWESOME way to get information across. You hover over each item in the cartoon strip and it "flips" to provide you with information. I wonder if something like this could be done in Storyline. Either way, it's an interesting way to present information.

P.S. If you check it out, click anywhere outside of the subscription screen to get rid of it and see the toon.

Keepin' the joy,


7 Replies
Judith Blackbourn

You're right, Patti, the user would certainly stay engaged! Thanks for the lead.

I had some problem keeping the cursor on the cell, so keep losing the text.

Maybe a trigger to keep the layer on until the next cell is clicked?

Would be fun to do this in Storyline, but it may be hard to get the flipping motion. Grow or fly-in could be alternatives to try.

Patti Bryant

Interesting that it works for some and not for others. I wonder what is causing that. I did a quick mock up using "hover" effects here. Basically, you could just have an image that appears when someone hovers over each "comic cell." I used Captivate to do this, but it could easily be accomplished in Storyline using layers, hover, etc. I think it could be an incredible way to "clean up" screens and also allow learners to explore.

Keepin' the joy,


Jerson  Campos

It was all done with CSS transitions, very cool way of demonstration a visual graphic tied with textual information.

I can think of two ways of doing this with the same effect.. 

External Storyline

1. Creating a html page with similar setup and effects and then embedding it as a web app into storyline. (I'll jot this down as a future project)

2. Using flash and importing the animation.

Internal Storyline:

I would probably use different layers and the shrink/move effect. It will be a complicated setup buy you can achieve a neat effect.

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