Course Manager doesn't get emails about comments?

Apr 10, 2020


I'm having a potential issue with Review360 and I wanted to reach out and see if this was actually an issue or if I'm not understanding how the program works. Myself and another developer are working together on a Rise course. I'm currently the Course Owner and she is listed as Course Manager. I published the course to Review and sent it out to a few different teams for feedback. When we get new comments, she doesn't get an email to alert her. Is there a way to make it so that both of us get email notifications of new comments?


1 Reply
Vincent Scoma

Hi Breanna,

Happy to help here! 

Can the Course Manager receive notifications about comments? 

There is a way for the Course Manager to receive notifications for a course that is published to Review 360! The main piece to take note of is that when a Rise course is published to Review, the Course Manager will need to adjust their notification settings in Review for that course: 

By default, the notification setting for a Course Manager is set to Your Activity, which is why they are not receiving notifications on new comments. To find more details on adjusting notifications in Review 360, please check out this guide: 

Please let us know if you have any questions! 

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