Link feedback comment to slide

Feb 03, 2017

I really like Review. But I would like it even more if I could click on the thumbnail of the slide with feedback and go right to that slide. Sometimes there are lots of slides that look very similar.

28 Replies
Justin Grenier

Thanks for the feedback, Steve!

In order for Articulate Review to support hopping into the content on click, we'd need to add a feature to our desktop authoring tools (Storyline and Studio) to support jumping to a specific slide, almost like an anchor tag on a web page.  That's a cool thought and we'll consider it!

In the meantime, here's a Peek at how to tell exactly which slide each comment refers to.

Thanks for trying Review!

Aukalen M

We have a long course and in advanced rounds, we're checking only if a few comments where addressed in specific slides.

At this stage, it's not time efficient to navigate through the whole course again to find comments and see if they were addressed.  It'll be much easier to go to the feedback view and click on the specific slide that had a comment and check if the comment was addressed.

Instead, we have to go back to the course and find that slide manually, which I know how to do, it's just that one click will make it much easier than several clicks.  At the moment as it is, we don't find the feedback tab useful as we never end up using it.

Aukalen M

Thanks Ashley, yes, we did.

Also, we noticed that if clients want to use feedback tab to check if corrections were applied, the screenshots shown are from the old version. 

So for example, if client ask to fix a typo, then we fix it, we republish and add a comment saying it's fixed.  When they check this comment and click on the image next to it, they see the old screenshot that still has the error.  

It would also be useful for them to see a screenshot of the latest version instead.


Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Aukalen,

The individual screenshots or thumbnails are only associated with comments that are added to the Review 360 feedback. So if the reviewers/SMEs go back to look at older feedback, they'll still see the previous thumbnail image. If you'd like them to know where the change was made, you could add a new comment while viewing that slide so that a new thumbnail is generated into the feedback tab.

Hope that makes sense! 

Aukalen M

I understand.  The problem we are having is that people are using the feedback tab to quickly check if a change was made in a particular slide instead of going to the course and navigating to that slide.

In the feedback tab you can only reply to a previous comment and not create a new one, so a new screenshot is not created.  Is that what's happening?

In this particular case, the course is quite long and in the course, there is no way to go to a specific slide without navigating to it slide by slide, so it'll be much easier if we could go to the specific slide by clicking on it in the feedback tab to check if a requested change has been applied correctly.

I hope this makes sense.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Aukalen,

Yes, if they're responding to old comments those will keep the previous screenshots. The only way to generate a new screenshot would be to add a new comment. It may help if you provide this guide to your reviewers so that they know what's expected and how to navigate.

Also, you could look at "Resolving and Hiding" the comments to make it a bit harder for folks ot get back to those and see them.  

Brooke Lown

I'd love this feature also! Any movement on this?

Our courses are very long and it is not quick or easy for our reviewers to go back and forth between tabs. Downloading the comments and trying to find the correct slide from the download sheet can be confusing as our menus are complex and finding a particular slide can be difficult and very time-consuming. 

Shannon Connor

I'm stunned, really, that the staff seems not to understand why this feature would be beneficial. I've assumed this was something that was going to be rolled out eventually as the benefit of clicking on a comment to take the reviewer to the slide is obvious. Same with updated screenshots. Is there really a lack of understanding about the benefits of this feature? I had a meeting with my team of developers, IDs, and QA folks today and all of them were talking about how unfortunate it is that AR does not have this feature. C'mon Articulate! You guys are the best! Get on board! :-)

Terry Bell

Please fix this. I get dozens of replies like "Looks good" or "please change a to b", so I click on the link in the email and have to scroll or search through miles of feedback to see what they're referring to. It's a complete waste of time. 
The link in the email should take me TO THE SLIDE that is referred to.

Also, when the president of the company is one of the reviewers and he has to do the same time-wasting scrolling, I really regret being the person who recommended this software. 

Terry Bell

Update: the president has now requested that I send an email with a screen capture for every reply that includes him. He will respond to the emails instead of using Review.

Thinking about going back to We used to use it, and I think the emails do link directly to the slide, also reviewers can see all the courses they’re reviewing without having to keep track of a bunch of URLs.

It's getting very hard to justify paying for Articulate 360 with so many issues that will seemingly never be addressed.

Aukalen M
Terry Bell

Please fix this. I get dozens of replies like "Looks good" or "please change a to b", so I click on the link in the email and have to scroll or search through miles of feedback to see what they're referring to. It's a complete waste of time. 
The link in the email should take me TO THE SLIDE that is referred to.

Also, when the president of the company is one of the reviewers and he has to do the same time-wasting scrolling, I really regret being the person who recommended this software. 

Although your comment refers to review, this is a different issue than the one presented in this thread.  The OP is asking that when you click on a thumbnail or screenshot directly in review (not in the email),  that it takes you to that slide in the presentation.

What you are describing is a different issue as email notification is a collection of comments.

I agree that review needs better tools to make it more usable but I think it would be better if you start a new thread with your request so it gets better identified.

By the way, a workaround for the scrolling issue you describe in review would be to use CTRL+F (find) and enter the name of the person that made the comment... this will take you directly to every comment made by that person.  

I hope this helps. 

Robert Turchick

can't believe this hasn't been added. Discussion started many years ago! Now I am running into the same issue. I get an email alert so I go to Review...I can see the comment and thumbnail but with a course that has hundreds of slides it takes time to figure out where the comment was made! Either more info needs to be included with the comment or a direct link.

Ray Boehmer

I cannot figure out Articulate as a software provider. The software overall is amazing. The help forums are top notch and the people are friendly and helpful.

But when it comes to actually implementing feature changes - especially features that are so obvious and expected that they should be considered "Missing" - well, there is a defensiveness that borders on arrogance. Or even worse, a doubling down on NOT addressing the feature out of spite.

Seriously, I use several other video and media hosting and review services and they ALL have 'click on the thumbnail' to go to the relevant section of the media. Review360 is CRIPPLED and inferior by refusing to have this feature. And this thread is FIVE FREAKIN' YEARS old.

The first response was the most telling:
"In order for Articulate Review to support hopping into the content on click, we'd need to add a feature to our desktop authoring tools (Storyline and Studio) to support jumping to a specific slide, almost like an anchor tag on a web page. That's a cool thought and we'll consider it!"

Well, my thoughts on that are, how does SL NOT have that capability already???? I don't know how capable the programmers are at Articulate, but that feature is such an obvious EXPECTED feature and NEED that I was stupified that it wasn't already there. I know its been requested as a feature, and discussed online continually for MANY YEARS. And again their seems to be a DETERMINATION NOT to accommodate requests to fix it.

Here's something that may be helpful if Articulate wants to keep its customer base from jumping the MOMENT a suitable competitor appears:

When dozens and dozens of developers request the same functionality it means that a multitude more would like and use it; but just don't have time to comment in a forum about it.

And if its such a no-brain, expected feature and you react to each mention of it is as though you have never heard of such a strange and outlandish request and cannot imagine how it would be useful; it makes you look condescending, disingenuous, and ultimately antagonistic.

I don't care how busy you are on other, more important programming tasks. It doesn't take 5 years to add anchor capability to an authoring package. Every other competing stand-alone authoring environment and cloud-based authoring service already has the feature - because it is so obvious that it should have been in version 0.1 alpha.