Sharing folders from Review 360?

Nov 18, 2019

It seems like if you can make folders in Review 360, you should be able to share the entire folder, instead of having to give separate links to each published item.  Or am I missing something?

Pinned Reply
Kelly Auner

Hi, everyone!

I have some great news to share!

We’ve just released an update for Review 360 which includes cool new features: 

New: Create shared team folders in Review 360 to organize your content, assign permissions, and invite collaborators. You can even allow multiple authors to publish new versions of a course to the same Review 360 project.

And because Review 360 is a web app, there's nothing to install! New features and fixes are available immediately.

Please let us know if you have any questions by reaching out to our Support Engineers directly.

Have a great day!

59 Replies
Deanna Deveau

I'd like to add my voice as well. I create multiple projects for multiple clients within our organization. Sharing sometimes as many as 6 different links at a time per client is frustrating for all. If I could house my projects in client folders and give them a link to access the folder, they can see all their projects at once. Harrison

Two years have gone by.  I know you guys are busy, but we really, really, need this functionality.  Really.  There are so many of your clients that need to share review content with their teams and being able to share folders is very important for getting multiple modules worked on.  In my opinion, two years is entirely too long for this feature to be made.  Is this feature that difficult to implement?  I have got to assume that it is since two years have gone by, quite a few folks have piped up and asked for it strongly.  I guys just got $1.5 billion a year ago, PLEASE make this feature.  I am just adding my voice to the throng...