animated gifs as bullets in Rise

May 07, 2020


In a recent rapid eLearning blog post it shows animated gifs as bullets with no explanation of how to create those in Rise. Is there a how-to out there on how to change the bullets?



17 Replies
Elizabeth Kuhlmann

Hi Julie! I made that course with the gifs as bullet points and here's how I did that!  I played around with a couple of different options but ended up using Quote Block D and swapping out the image for the animated gif, and putting my text in the author name as opposed to the actual quote section.  Let me know if you have questions!

Elizabeth Kuhlmann

Hi Michelle! I used a free tool called ScreenToGif, deleted all the frames of the gif I didn't want, then saved the remaining frame as a .png, but I didn't resize the image when I brought it into Rise 360 because the size of those quote D images really does not change.  But, I did have to up the font sizing on the text in the author name where I input my text so that it worked well with the icon!  I hope that helps.

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