Articulate rise button issue

Apr 19, 2019

Hi team,

I'm a using the Articulate Rise 360 to create content.

There is an issue for 'Button' and 'Button stack' functionality in modules. I'm adding button at the end of my lesson/course, but it's not visible while we're reviewing course. I'm getting a hand cursor at that portion, but the button is not visible.

I've added screenshots of an issue.

Can you please check and confirm?

21 Replies
Cass Netzley

This issue impacts attachment blocks as well (that we use at the very end of particular sections in our courses to attach PDFs for learners). I've been working with Articulate support since last week about this (Case #01773706).

It seems to be a rendering issue, the attachment block is and linked contents is still in our preview and exports, it just happens to be invisible. When hovering the mouse over the area the block should display, the link and file download is still being presented by the browser info bar (bottom of Chrome). 

It looks like this is happening with buttons as well from what I've read above. Our temporary workaround (we can't stop publishing/updating courses, that's not feasible) is to place a 'Heading' text block below the attachment block, leave the new Headings top-padding at '30'. Put a single '.' period in the Heading, change the text color of the period to white and then make the bottom padding for the Heading '0' . Not the most eloquent workaround, but it seems to provoke the intended Attachment block at the bottom of the section to appear properly in Preview or web/SCORM exports. 

Perhaps this will work for those with issues with buttons. It's at least worth a try if you're needing to get something out the door immediately and can fix it properly after Articulate addresses the core issue. 

Cass Netzley
Allison LaMotte

Hi everyone!

Just wanted to let you know that we released a fix for this so it should be working for you now. If it's still not working on your end, please reach out to our support team. You can submit a case here.

In the meantime, if there's anything else I can do to help, please let me know!

I understand the Articulate team not releasing information on here about what features are under development / being worked on (outside of the coming soon / recently released page), but when it comes to issue/bug tracking-- are there any plans for more visibility on the end user side of things?

For example, the ticket I placed about the issue iterated in this thread... the engineer went completely silent about the issue, and same with a follow-up from myself about the issue a week later. It would have been prudent to at least let the customers who reported this issue to know that it was acknowledged (never happened in this thread or within the support ticket dialog I had) and being worked on by your team(s).

I'm not asking for full transparency into a Test Track or Confluence like system, but more visibility into--- hey, this is an issue-- here's the current discussion on our forums discussing it and potential workaround in the interim, we're working as fast as possible to resolve said issue and have normal operations functioning soon with *insert Articulate product here*.

Thanks for getting back to us in here at least and for your team's work w/ the code fix.

Oxford Learning

I believe the issue with invisible Continue buttons is that the color of the button is defined by the theme color. If you have selected a pure white as custom color, the buttons will show up as white on white in the body of the course aka invisible. 

More control over the look and feel of the continue buttons or any buttons would be preferred. 

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