Auto Play Voice in Rise

Feb 28, 2019

Hi there,

I'm a new user currently developing an Induction course in Rise. I would like to have a number of the pages automatically play the voice overs i have inserted, however they seem to have no option for 'auto' play, the user has to press play each time.   Can anyone help?

1 Reply
Allison LaMotte

Hi Pilita,

We've shied away from auto-playing audio and video because it's really non-standard on mobile devices. In fact, most phone browsers actually prevent auto-play of media; it needs to be user-initiated. 

We're monitoring these requests as we consider what features to add to Rise in the future. We'll let you know if we decide to allow autoplay in the future.

In the meantime, if there's anything else I can do to help, please let me know!

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