Can I change a thumbnail on a video?

Jul 30, 2019

Right now it is showing a black screen, is there a way to add a thumbnail image from my video as the cover instead of a black screen?


158 Replies
Brendan Butler

Further to my answer from, goodness, 3 years back. I find that this is a simple workaround (and I'll keep the tools simple too):

Open PowerPoint. On Slide 1. create your poster/title frame.

On Slide 2. Place your video (remember to set the "Playback" to "Automatically"

Set the Transition on Slide 1. to "None" and set the "Advance Slide" to "After 00:00.01"

Save as "MP4" and you should now have a video that will display correctly on your course and will smoothly transition from the Title card to the video. 

Here's an example of what I've outlined:

Nick Elzy

Seems pretty ridiculous that after three years we still don't have this basic functionality.  That said, Brenda... that's a good solution.  I do something very similar using Wondershare Filmora (video editing software).  I just add an image to the front of my video, set it to one second, and then export.  It's not really a big deal to do when it's just one here and there.  However, I've had projects before where I had 15-20 videos and that's where it gets tedious.  

Proinsias Matthews

Probably won't make a difference seeing as the staff have stopped replying to this post over a year ago but if there are people literally asking for this for years then maybe it should be considered? If a hack or workaround is required then it's obviously not the right UX for the learners.

Please implement this soon. 🙏